The services being offered are initial and triennial psycho educational assessments, academic assessments, and DIS counseling.  The assessments and counseling services can be done in person or remotely. Appointments will be coordinated with the school to make sure that all time is used wisely and appropriately.

The assessments that will be used are of a wide range. We provide assessments in both English and Spanish for ELL students, which will be administered by a bilingual school psychologist and a bilingual special education teacher.

Cognitive Ability & Processing

Woodcock Johnson IV (WJ-IV) Cognitive Assessment System 2nd Edition (CAS2) Test of Nonverbal Intelligence 4th Edition (TONI4) Test of Auditory Processing 4th Edition (TAPS4) Beery VMI 6th Edition Social Emotional/Behavioral Motor Visual Perception Test 4th Edition (MVPT4) Comprehensive Test of Phonological Behavior Processing 2nd Edition (CTOPP2) Feifer Assessment for Reading (FAR)


Woodcock Johnson IV - Test of Achievement (WJ-IV ACH)

Social Emotional/Behavioral and Adaptive Scales

Behavior Assessment Systems for Children 3 (BASC3) Adaptive Behavior Assessment Diagnostic Scale (ABDS) Piers Harris 3

Spanish Assessments

Bateria IV Woodcock Munoz COG Bateria IV Woodcock Munoz ACH TAPS3 Spanish Edition

At Brainiac, we provide developmentally appropriate assessments based on each student’s individualized needs. Our goal is to collaborate with the school as a team in order to establish goals and needs for the student to be successful in the school environment.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions to know more about our services!

Interested schools will need to contact the Brainiac Center through our Contact Form. Once the school is interested, a contract will be drawn up with the hourly rate, and the school year the services will be provided. If a school is interested in our services for the long term, a different contract will be drawn up.

The assessments will be done in person on campus, or it can be done virtually on campus or from home. We can accommodate the school or families in their preference.

Students will be emailed a link to the virtual testing site. Once the student logs in, the assessor will monitor the testing time and observe the student virtually.

Do you have more questions in mind? Get in touch with us today!